- 경상대학교 수의과대학 졸업
- 서울대학교 수의과대학 안과/치과학 박사 수료
[경력 및 이력사항]
- 2017-2018 유림동물안과병원 수련수의사
- 2018-2019 VIP동물의료센터 진료수의사
- 2020-2022 서울대학교 동물병원 안과/치과 진료수의사
- 2022-2023 서울대학교 동물병원 안과/치과 전임수의사
- Bleb characteristics assessed by ultrasound biomicroscopy correlate with intraocular pressure after Ahmed glaucoma valve surgery in dogs. S Lee, SA Kim, DM Go, DY Kim, K Seo, S Kang - American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2024
- Sequential Ahmed valve implantation after primary implant surgery in two dogs. S Lee, H Kim, K Seo, S Kang - Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2023
<구두/포스터 발표>
- 2018 한국수의안과연구회 총회 및 세미나: Funduscopic and Optical Coherence Tomographic Findings in Dogs with Optic Neuritis: 3 Cases
- 2021 춘계임상수의학회: Various Diagnostic Approaches to a Case of Optic Neuritis in a Dog with Meningoencephalitis of Unknown Origin
- 2022 추계임상수의학회: Long-term outcomes of sequential Ahmed valve implantation after bleb fibrosis of the primary implant surgery in two dogs with primary angle-closure glaucoma
- 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists: Evaluation of bleb functionality using ultrasound biomicroscopy after placement of Ahmed valved gonioimplants in dogs: a retrospective study
- 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists: Transforming growth factor beta 2 and total protein levels in aqueous humor of canine glaucomatous eyes with and without Ahmed valve implantation surgery
- 2023 Annual Conference of the Asian Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology: Application of a novel device using biomaterial for shunting fibrotic bleb following Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation: A preliminary experimental study
[연수 및 교육과정 이수]
- 2017-2024 한국수의안과연구회 총회 및 세미나
- 2018 일본 비교 안과 학회 한일 공동 증례 보고회
- 2018, 2023 Annual Conference of the Asian Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
- 2022-2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
[전문활동 사항]
- 한국수의안과연구회 정회원
- 아시아수의안과학회 정회원
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